Earth Observation Data Cube

Earth Observation Analysis of Cyprus

“Your gateway to Cyprus from space”

Data Cube

Earth Observation Data Cubes are spatio-temporal management databases for data derived from different sources, mainly satellite-based remote sensing. Through Data Cubes, researchers can analyse and process sheer volume of earth data and get a better understanding of our world. Cyprus Data Cube was developed under the framework of EXCELSIOR H2020 project. The Cyprus Data Cube is managing data from different satellite sources from NASA’s and ESA’s missions.


What You’ll SEE

Remote Sensing

Data Acquisition from satellites

Information Extraction

Understanding the environment

Data Analytics

Data Processing

Data Collection

Aqua and Terra satellites

We collect various products for evapotranspiration, agriculture monitoring, wildfires and land surface temperatures mainly from MODIS Instrument.

Sentinel-1 & Sentinel-2 satellites

We collect optical images with Multispectral Instrument from Sentinel-2 and radar images with C-band Synthetic Aperture Radar instrument from Sentinel-1.

Data Analytics

JupyterHub is an analytical framework, scientists and academics from all over the world can examine earth data over Cyprus and draw insightful conclusions.

Registration Process

Sign Up

Review of your

Your account is

Access to
Analytics Platform

**Disclaimer Access to Cyprus EO Data Cube is for research purposes only and strictly prohibited from being used for any commercial purposes.


Different Programming

Jupyter supports over
40 programming languages,
including Python, R, Julia, and Scala

Share Notebooks

Notebooks can be shared
with others using email, Dropbox,
GitHub and the Jupyter Notebook Viewer

Interactive Output

Your code can produce rich,
interactive output: HTML, images, videos,
LaTeX, and custom MIME types.

Big Data Integration

Leverage big data tools, such as
Apache Spark, from Python, R, and
Scala. Explore that same data with pandas,
scikit-learn, ggplot2, and TensorFlow

Important Aspects

Analysis Ready Data

Analytical framework

Information Products


Affiliated Entities

The EXCELSIOR project has received funding from the European Union’s “Horizon 2020 research and innovation Programme” under Grant Agreement No 857510

The EXCELSIOR project has received funding from the Government of the Republic of Cyprus through the “Directorate General for the European Programmes, Coordination and Development”.

The EXCELSIOR project is co-funded by the Cyprus University of Technology.

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